Protection of personal data

Our company Stay little, s.r.o. , hereinafter referred to as "we"), with registered office at Jaurisova 515/4, Michle, Prague 4, 140 00, Czech Republic. Identification number: 07910479, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 309729 - is the operator of this online store located at the web address

What personal data do we collect and process?

  1. Identification and contact details of the customer – which means first name, last name, billing and delivery address, email address, telephone number. (In the event that you are an entrepreneur, also the IČO and VAT number). We obtain this data from customers exclusively voluntarily - on the basis of the customer's voluntary registration on our online store or on the basis of the voluntary conclusion of a purchase contract between the customer and us (i.e. by which we mean the creation of an order by the customer on our online store).
  2. Data about your user account settings – this only applies if you have registered on our online store and thus created a user account with us. By data about the settings of your user account, we mean data about the individual settings of your user account and the functions that this user account allows you to use or makes available to you - e.g. an overview of orders and their status, the possibility of creating an individual list of favorite items, the contents of the basket).
  3. Data about your orders – i.e. data about the goods and services you have ordered from us; about the shipping and payment method chosen in these orders; about implemented or requested changes in orders; about complaints and returned goods from your orders; as well as the notes you have attached to your notes.
  4. Data about your behavior on our online store – or data about the behavior of users on our website, which means, for example:
    1. information about visited items of goods - i.e. information about what goods you viewed, have or had placed in the shopping cart,
    2. information about the way of movement or "browsing the pages" of our online store,
    3. information about the links you "clicked" while browsing our online store (e.g. the add to shopping cart button, go to the next step, go to the link, etc.)
    4. information about the time you stay or have stayed on our online store (as a whole) and on its individual subpages,
    5. information about the device from which you view our online store - such as device type (desktop computer/phone/tablet), IP address of the device, technical parameters of this device (operating system and its version, browser type and its version), information from cookie files .
  5. Derived data – by which we mean in particular data derived or resulting from your behavior on our online store; from your orders, goods or services ordered by you or your user account. Such data are, for example: gender (female/male), approximate age, information on the selection of goods (preferred types, colors, sizes, manufacturers of goods), etc.

Why do we process personal data?

It is necessary to mention first that we process personal data in different situations, for different purposes, in different ways. In general, however, we recognize 2 basic processing purposes:

  1. Processing of personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the purchase contract – if you order goods from us (i.e. conclude a purchase contract with us), the legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this case is the fulfillment of this purchase contract. This means that we will process your order and deliver the goods you ordered. And the resulting obligations for us according to generally binding legal regulations (such as mandatory archiving of tax documents, archiving of documents for the purpose of fulfilling the right from defective performance, etc.)
  2. Processing of personal data for the purpose of commercial communication – i.e. so that we can e-mail you with information about our current discounts, promotional offers and news that we reasonably think might be of interest to you. For this purpose, we process your personal data only if you yourself have given your consent. Here we can reassure you, we are reasonable, and that is why we send such business messages to a reasonable extent and only occasionally. We ourselves don't like it when someone overwhelms our mailboxes....

Stay little s.r.o. reserves the right to analyze user behavior on its website. These analyzes include, for example: traffic measurement, the number of users who viewed an advertising banner and the number of clicks on an individual banner, this data is also available to individual advertisers - always as a statistical overview, not by name. Users should also note that data they voluntarily provide to discussion forums or other automatically generated pages may be used by third parties. However, such use of personal information cannot be controlled and Stay little s.r.o. cannot and will not bear any responsibility for this. Users should be aware that some information about users may be automatically collected during the standard operations of our server (e.g. the IP address of the user's computer).

... and we must not forget about Cookies !!! The use of cookie files is completely standard and widespread these days, which is why you will encounter them on almost every website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's computer, phone or tablet. Cookies are not programs that could cause damage to the user's computer. Cookies are great helpers for us and for you. They help us to ensure that the e-shop and its functions work as they should, and that the process of ordering goods in our e-shop is simple and convenient for you. They enable us to analyze the traffic on our e-shop, thanks to which we can, for example, detect any errors and misunderstandings of our e-shop and correct them. They allow us to personalize our ads, advertising banners and website. And you wonder where the benefits of cookies are for you? Thanks to them, your computer, phone or tablet can remember, for example, the contents of the shopping cart (even after you leave the page and return to it later), log in to the user account, the list of favorite items stored in your user account or, for example, the delivery data that you have already entered , even though you go back a step there and then back again in the shopping cart. Most browsers offer the option not to accept cookies - however, our online store will not function correctly without enabled cookies. By using and staying on our website, you agree to the use of cookies.



The company Stay little s.r.o. processes your personal data because it is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract with you regarding the sale of goods (or for the implementation of measures taken before the conclusion of such a contract), and further processes your personal data, which is necessary for the fulfillment of the public law obligations of this companies.


1.1 The administrator of your personal data is the business company STAY LITTLE s.r.o., with registered office at Jaurisova 515/4, Michle, Prague 4, 140 00, identification number: 07910479, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 309729 (hereinafter "administrator").

1.2 The administrator's contact details are as follows: delivery address STAY LITTLE, sro, Jaurisova 515/4, Michle, Prague 4, 140 00; e-mail address

1.3 The administrator has not appointed a personal data protection officer.


2.1 The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the fact that this processing is necessary for:

2.1.1 fulfillment of the contract between you and the controller or for the implementation of measures by the controller before the conclusion of such a contract in the sense of Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (general regulation on the protection of personal data) (hereinafter referred to as the "regulation");

2.1.2 fulfillment of legal obligations that apply to the administrator, in the sense of Article 6 paragraph 1 letter c) regulation, specifically the fulfillment of obligations imposed on administrators by generally binding legal regulations, in particular Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value added tax, as amended, Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on taxes from of income, as amended, and Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on accounting, as amended.


3.1 The purpose of processing your personal data is the fulfillment of the contract between you and the controller, including the delivery of goods and resolution of rights from liability for defects, or the implementation of measures by the controller prior to the conclusion of such a contract, as well as the fulfillment of related public law obligations by the controller.

3.2 There is no automatic individual decision-making by the administrator in the sense of Article 22 of the Regulation.


4.1 Your personal data will be processed for the duration of the effects of the rights and obligations from the contract and for the time necessary for archiving purposes according to the relevant generally binding legal regulations, but no longer than for the period specified by generally binding legal regulations.


5.1 The main processor of personal data is STAY LITTLE s.r.o. All persons, as well as employees of the company STAY LITTLE s.r.o., who have access to personal data are bound by confidentiality and this obligation continues even in the event of termination of cooperation with STAY LITTLE s.r.o.

5.2. Other recipients of your personal data will be shipping companies and other persons involved in the delivery of goods or the realization of payments based on a purchase contract, and persons providing technical services for the administrator related to the operation of the e-shop, including the operation of software and data storage, etc.. These STAY LITTLE s.r.o., as an administrator, also authorizes the processing of personal data, as a so-called processor. A processor is any entity that has access to personal data as part of cooperation with STAY LITTLE s.r.o. In the event that your consent is required for the processing, we only transfer the data to the processors if you have given your consent. We only pass on to processors the data they absolutely need to provide their services. They are or can be:

  • Zásilkovna s.r.o. , Lihovarská 1060/12, 190 00, Prague, ID: 28408306 – parcel carrier (personal data will only be transferred if you choose to ship your order through this carrier).
  • EVici webdesign sro ID: 28598661 – author and administrator of the platform on which the e-shop operates.
  • Heureka Shopping s.r.o (known as "") , Karolinská 650/1, Karlín, 186 00 Prague, ID number: 02387727 - We determine your satisfaction with the purchase through e-mail questionnaires as part of the Verified by customers program, in which our e-shop is involved. We send them to you every time you make a purchase from us, if in the sense of § 7 paragraph 3 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll. about some information company services, you will not refuse to receive our commercial communications or withdraw your previously granted consent. For sending questionnaires, evaluating your feedback and analyzing our market position, we use a processor that is the operator of the portal; for these purposes we may pass on information about purchased goods and your email address.
  • Sklik list (, as), Radlická 3294/10, Prague 5, 150 00, ID: 26168685.
  • Google, Google Analytics (Google Czech Republic, s.r.o.), Stroupežnického 3191/17, Prague 5, 150 00, ID: 27604977.

5.2 Recipients of your personal data processed for the purpose of fulfilling obligations arising from legal regulations may also be financial administration authorities or other competent authorities in cases where the administrators impose generally binding legal regulations.

5.3 The administrator does not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country (a country outside the EU) or an international organization.


6.1 Under the conditions set out in the regulation, you have the right to request access to your personal data from the administrator, the right to correct or delete your personal data, or limit their processing, the right to object to the processing of your personal data, and the right to the portability of your personal data.

6.2 If you believe that the processing of your personal data has violated or is violating the regulation, you have, among other things, the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

6.3 You are not obliged to provide personal data. The provision of your personal data is a necessary requirement for the conclusion and fulfillment of the contract, and without the provision of your personal data it is not possible to conclude the contract or fulfill it on the part of the administrator.

In Prague on 14.01.2022